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The Institute of Art Studies publishes two academic magazins:
Problemi na izkustvoto (Art Studies Quarterly)
Bulgarsko muzikoznanie (Bulgarian
Musicology), quarterly
Bulgarsko muzikoznanie
(online version & archive)
is published by the Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences since 1968.
First editor in Chief: Prof. Atanas Stoykov
1989. Editor in Chief: Prof. Elka Bakalova.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Bisserka Penkova
Editorial Board: V. Stefanov, D. Raevsky
(Russia), K. Koeva, V. Ikonomov, N. Milev, I. Gergova, G. Subotic (Jugoslavia),
C. Popov. Managing Editor: V. Ganeva. Art Director: M. Makariev
A Bulgarian journal for art history, theory and criticism.
ART STUDIES QUARTERLY is the only Bulgarian scholarly journal which examines artifacts (from the prehistory to the 20th c.), theatre, cinema, and television. It has color and black-and-white illustrations and summaries in German or English. Each issue is arranged around a central theme. Of significant interest is also the publication of recent archeological and archival discoveries. The journal gives priority to studies, which place Bulgarian art in a broader international context.
ISSN 0032-9371
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The journal of Bulgarsko muzikoznanie (Bulgarian Musicology) was founded in 1977. Editor-in-Chief up to 1989 was Prof. Venelin Krustev, since then - Prof. Dr. Dimiter Hristoff. The journal is the only academic periodical in Bulgaria for music and musicology.
The journal presents works on variety of historical and theoretical issues, interpreting predominantly Bulgarian music culture from Middle Ages, National Revival and Modern Times. Issues of national music specificity, music culture of the world, traditional music cultures and music of the Balkan region are largely analized. Recently, perspectives from newer for Bulgarian music scholarship disciplines have been introduced: music semiotics, cognitive musicology, popular music studies, and others. The journal offers illustrations and summaries in English, French and German. It is addressed to scholars, educators, doctorants, students and readers having interests in music.
Editorial Board: Agapia
Balareva (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), Christian Hannick (Germany), Dimiter
Hristoff (Editor-in-Chief),
Elena Toncheva,
Elisaveta Valchinova-Chendova, Guentcho Gaytandjiev, Helga de
la Mot-Haber (Germany), Iskra Racheva,
Lubomir Kavaldjiev, Rosalia Bix, Rosemary Statelova, Svetlana Zaharieva, Timothy Rice
(USA), Tsenka Yordanova
Online editor & webmaster:
Lubomir Kavaldjiev:
Manager: Margarita Kerpitchian
ISSN 0204-823X
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